Web Links and Contacts:
General Mental Health Links:
www.mentalhealthireland.ie (Voluntary Organisation Helping to Promote Positive Mental Health)
www.yourmentalhealth.ie (Promoting Awareness of Mental Health Issues in Ireland) (Health Services Executive, Ireland)
www.hse.ie (Health Services Executive, Ireland)
www.mind.org.uk (UK Mental Health Information Site)
www.grow.ie (World Community Mental Health Movement in Ireland)
www.samaritans.org (Emotional Support Service)
www.irishhealth.com (Comprehensive General Health Website)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
www.spunout.ie (Irish Youth Website)
Mental Health Association, Longford: 043 - 33 46992 or 33 46903
Samaritans: 1850 60 90 90
Mental Health Ireland: 01 2841166
Low Cost Counselling: 087 684 7088
www.rcni.ie (Rape Crisis Network, Ireland)
www.nova.ie (National Office for Victims of Abuse (NOVA) Dublin)
www.samaritans.org (Emotional Support Service)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
www.womensaid.ie (Women’s Aid)
www.citizensinformation.ie (Citizens Information Organisation)
Helplines and phone numbers:
Bethany House: 043 - 33 48136
Longford Women’s Link: 043 - 33 42891
Domestic Violence: 1800 444 944
Rape Crisis Helpline: 1800 323 232
Samaritans: 1850 60 90 90
Women’s Aid: 1800 341 900
MOVE (Men Overcoming Violence): 01- 8724357
NOVA (Victims of Abuse): 1800 252 524
Adult Counselling Service 1800 234 113
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive, Ireland)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
Anxiety supports:
www.socialanxietyireland.com (Social Anxiety Ireland)
www.mentalhealthireland.ie (Mental Health Ireland Organisation)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
Bereavement, adoption, hospice:
www.barnardos.ie – (Barnardos child & family site, which has information on child bereavement)
www.islands.ie (Irish Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Society)
www.bethany.ie (Bethany Bereavement Support Group)
www.nsbsn.org (National Suicide Bereavement Support)
www.hospice-foundation.ie (Irish Hospice Foundation)
www.citizensinformation.ie (Information on Death and Bereavement)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
Rainbows Bereavement, Separation & Loss Support for Children: 043 - 33 46827
Cruise Bereavement: 043 – 33 46827
Bereavement Counselling Service: 01- 8391766
Living Links- Sucide Bereavement Support 086 1600 641
www.abc.tcd.ie (Anti Bullying Centre, Trinity College, Dublin)
www.spunout.ie (Irish Youth website with information and peer support
www.hsa.ie (Health and Safety Authority)
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive, Ireland)
Bullying Helplines:
Anti-bullying Centre: 01- 6082573
Teenline: 1800 833 634
Low Cost Counselling : 087 684 7088
Alzheimers and Dementia Supports:
www.alzheimer.ie (The Alzheimer Society of Ireland)
www.dementia.ie (Dementia Services Information & Development Centre)
www.ncaop.ie (National Council for Ageing and Older People Ireland)
www.carersireland.com (Carers Association of Ireland)
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive, Ireland)
Alzheimer’s Society: 043 - 33 42723
DSIDC (Dementia Services): 01- 4162035
NCAOP (National Council on Ageing and Older People): 01- 6743299
www.aware.ie (Aware: helping to defeat depression)
www.mentalhealthireland.ie (Mental Health Ireland)
www.samaritans.org (Samaritans)
www.mentalhealth.org.uk (Mental Health Foundation UK Charity)
Aware: 01- 6617211 or 1890 303 302
Low Cost Counselling 087 684 7088
Eating Disorders:
www.bodywhys.ie (Eating Disorders Association of Ireland)
www.marinotherapycentre.com (Marino Therapy Centre, Dublin)
www.eatingdisorders.ie (Irish Eating Disorders Resource Centre)
www.b-eat.co.uk (Eating Disorders Association, UK)
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive, Ireland)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
Bodywhys 1890 200 444
Low Cost Counselling 087 684 7088
Elder Supports:
www.alone.ie (Alone – Voluntary Organisation to Aid Elderly Living Alone)
www.mentalhealthireland.ie (Mental Health Ireland)
www.ncaop.ie (National Council for Ageing & Older People)
www.ageaction.ie (Age Action Ireland)
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive, Ireland)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
www.friendsoftheelderly.ie (Voluntary Organisation Helping to Alleviate Loneliness and Isolation Among Elderly People)
Samaritans: 1850 60 90 90
National Council for Ageing and Older People 01-6766484
Retirement Planning Council of Ireland: 01-6613139
Low Cost Counselling 087 684 7088
www.sirl.ie (Schizophrenia Ireland)
www.recover.ie (Schizophrenia Information Resources)
www.yourmentalhealth.ie (Promoting Awareness of Mental Health Issues in Ireland)
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive, Ireland)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
Shine Information Hotline 1890 621 631
www.headstrong.ie (National Organisation for Youth Mental Health)
www.mentalhealthireland.ie (Voluntary Organisation Helping to Promote Positive Mental Health)
www.yourmentalhealth.ie (Promoting Awareness of Mental Health Issues in Ireland)
www.ocdireland.org (Irish Support Group)
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive in Ireland)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
Low Cost Counselling 087 684 7088
Samaritans 1850 609090
www.suicide.ie ( Information on Suicide)
www.nosp.ie ( National Office for Suicide Prevention)
www.console.ie ( Irish Support Group for People Bereaved by Suicide)
www.ias.ie (Irish Association of Suicidiology)
www.nsbns.org (National Suicide Bereavement Support Network, Ireland)
www.spunout.ie (Irish Youth website with information and peer support)
www.headstrong.ie (National Centre for Youth Mental Health)
www.samaritans.org (Samaritans)
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive, Ireland)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
Suicide Bereavement Support: 086 – 8157320
Console: Living with Suicide: 1800 201 890
Samaritans: 1850 60 90 90
www.mentalhealthireland.ie (Voluntary Organisation Helping to Promote Positive Mental Health)
www.yourmentalhealth.ie (Promoting Awareness of Mental Health Issues in Ireland) (Health Services Executive, Ireland)
www.hse.ie (Health Services Executive, Ireland)
www.mind.org.uk (UK Mental Health Information Site)
www.grow.ie (World Community Mental Health Movement in Ireland)
www.samaritans.org (Emotional Support Service)
www.irishhealth.com (Comprehensive General Health Website)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
www.spunout.ie (Irish Youth Website)
Mental Health Association, Longford: 043 - 33 46992 or 33 46903
Samaritans: 1850 60 90 90
Mental Health Ireland: 01 2841166
Low Cost Counselling: 087 684 7088
www.rcni.ie (Rape Crisis Network, Ireland)
www.nova.ie (National Office for Victims of Abuse (NOVA) Dublin)
www.samaritans.org (Emotional Support Service)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
www.womensaid.ie (Women’s Aid)
www.citizensinformation.ie (Citizens Information Organisation)
Helplines and phone numbers:
Bethany House: 043 - 33 48136
Longford Women’s Link: 043 - 33 42891
Domestic Violence: 1800 444 944
Rape Crisis Helpline: 1800 323 232
Samaritans: 1850 60 90 90
Women’s Aid: 1800 341 900
MOVE (Men Overcoming Violence): 01- 8724357
NOVA (Victims of Abuse): 1800 252 524
Adult Counselling Service 1800 234 113
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive, Ireland)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
Anxiety supports:
www.socialanxietyireland.com (Social Anxiety Ireland)
www.mentalhealthireland.ie (Mental Health Ireland Organisation)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
Bereavement, adoption, hospice:
www.barnardos.ie – (Barnardos child & family site, which has information on child bereavement)
www.islands.ie (Irish Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Society)
www.bethany.ie (Bethany Bereavement Support Group)
www.nsbsn.org (National Suicide Bereavement Support)
www.hospice-foundation.ie (Irish Hospice Foundation)
www.citizensinformation.ie (Information on Death and Bereavement)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
Rainbows Bereavement, Separation & Loss Support for Children: 043 - 33 46827
Cruise Bereavement: 043 – 33 46827
Bereavement Counselling Service: 01- 8391766
Living Links- Sucide Bereavement Support 086 1600 641
www.abc.tcd.ie (Anti Bullying Centre, Trinity College, Dublin)
www.spunout.ie (Irish Youth website with information and peer support
www.hsa.ie (Health and Safety Authority)
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive, Ireland)
Bullying Helplines:
Anti-bullying Centre: 01- 6082573
Teenline: 1800 833 634
Low Cost Counselling : 087 684 7088
Alzheimers and Dementia Supports:
www.alzheimer.ie (The Alzheimer Society of Ireland)
www.dementia.ie (Dementia Services Information & Development Centre)
www.ncaop.ie (National Council for Ageing and Older People Ireland)
www.carersireland.com (Carers Association of Ireland)
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive, Ireland)
Alzheimer’s Society: 043 - 33 42723
DSIDC (Dementia Services): 01- 4162035
NCAOP (National Council on Ageing and Older People): 01- 6743299
www.aware.ie (Aware: helping to defeat depression)
www.mentalhealthireland.ie (Mental Health Ireland)
www.samaritans.org (Samaritans)
www.mentalhealth.org.uk (Mental Health Foundation UK Charity)
Aware: 01- 6617211 or 1890 303 302
Low Cost Counselling 087 684 7088
Eating Disorders:
www.bodywhys.ie (Eating Disorders Association of Ireland)
www.marinotherapycentre.com (Marino Therapy Centre, Dublin)
www.eatingdisorders.ie (Irish Eating Disorders Resource Centre)
www.b-eat.co.uk (Eating Disorders Association, UK)
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive, Ireland)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
Bodywhys 1890 200 444
Low Cost Counselling 087 684 7088
Elder Supports:
www.alone.ie (Alone – Voluntary Organisation to Aid Elderly Living Alone)
www.mentalhealthireland.ie (Mental Health Ireland)
www.ncaop.ie (National Council for Ageing & Older People)
www.ageaction.ie (Age Action Ireland)
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive, Ireland)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
www.friendsoftheelderly.ie (Voluntary Organisation Helping to Alleviate Loneliness and Isolation Among Elderly People)
Samaritans: 1850 60 90 90
National Council for Ageing and Older People 01-6766484
Retirement Planning Council of Ireland: 01-6613139
Low Cost Counselling 087 684 7088
www.sirl.ie (Schizophrenia Ireland)
www.recover.ie (Schizophrenia Information Resources)
www.yourmentalhealth.ie (Promoting Awareness of Mental Health Issues in Ireland)
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive, Ireland)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
Shine Information Hotline 1890 621 631
www.headstrong.ie (National Organisation for Youth Mental Health)
www.mentalhealthireland.ie (Voluntary Organisation Helping to Promote Positive Mental Health)
www.yourmentalhealth.ie (Promoting Awareness of Mental Health Issues in Ireland)
www.ocdireland.org (Irish Support Group)
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive in Ireland)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
Low Cost Counselling 087 684 7088
Samaritans 1850 609090
www.suicide.ie ( Information on Suicide)
www.nosp.ie ( National Office for Suicide Prevention)
www.console.ie ( Irish Support Group for People Bereaved by Suicide)
www.ias.ie (Irish Association of Suicidiology)
www.nsbns.org (National Suicide Bereavement Support Network, Ireland)
www.spunout.ie (Irish Youth website with information and peer support)
www.headstrong.ie (National Centre for Youth Mental Health)
www.samaritans.org (Samaritans)
www.hse.ie (Health Service Executive, Ireland)
www.healthinfo.ie (Health Promotion in Ireland)
Suicide Bereavement Support: 086 – 8157320
Console: Living with Suicide: 1800 201 890
Samaritans: 1850 60 90 90
Keywords - Counselling Longford, Counselling Longford, Counselling Longford, Longford Counselling Service, Counselling Leitrim, Counselling, Roscommon, Counselling Westmeath, Counselling Service, Psychotherapy Longford, Psychotherapy Leitrim, Psychotherapy Westmeath, Psychotherapy Roscommon.